Sunday, January 1, 2012

It's a Brand New Year.

I set three goals for 2011.  And by halfway through the year, I could see that I was doing a mediocre job of focusing on them, and that without a change I wouldn't be reaching them.   I felt so scattered all the time - frantic and scared that I wasn't doing enough, always feeling like I just wasn't enough.

I have always believed in the power of words.  I think that if we keep words in front of us, if we say them out loud, if we testify of them, they are given power.  I started a list of words that defined who I want to be: Deliberate, Consistent, Simple, Peaceful, Loyal, Loving - and eventually I adopted the words "Peaceful Consistency."

I put them as the background on my work computer, my iphone, my life.  When I started to feel like I couldn't reach my goals I would just shut my mouth and trust in the peace that the savior gives to us.  I don't have to feel all of that anxiety and pain because he already did.  We can slow down, focus on consistently doing the right thing in THIS moment, and reach out for peace.

 I don't have to be perfect forever - I just have to be perfect in this moment.  And I can do that. I have got right now covered.

The 2011 goals were:

1. Lose some chunk - check!
I have taken off 50 pounds so far; and for the first time in my life I have done it the right way - It has been a lifestyle change.  I am regaining my health, and I will keep it for life.

2. Make scripture reading into a true daily habit - check!

3. Buy a home - check!

Left  -  Girls Camp
Right  -  12/31/2011, yesterday!
And best of all, I have a measure of peace and a witness that I am doing all I can to qualify for the things that I want most in life.

I haven't settled yet on what my goals will be for 2012, but there will be three: Health, Spiritual, and Financial.

 What are your goals for this new year? 


  1. Nice work! I'm very happy for you that you were able to check off your goals. It's so important to feel like we really can accomplish anything we set our hearts and minds to. Thanks for inspiring me too.

  2. Wow, what an inspiration to us all to make some goals and get to work.

  3. Laney, you are nothing short of amazing! You are EVERYTHING! Beautiful, spiritual, dedicated, just everything! I haven't set any goals yet, but now I'm going to think of three, just like you, one for my health, one for my spirituality and one for my finances.
